Saturday, July 18, 2009

Walk off the pounds

Walking to lose weight

In order to lose weight you have to eat less but also it is really important to exercise. Not everybody is able to lift weights or do really physically challenging exercise. The solution is to walk. Walking has been part of our lives since we were babies but yet we seem to stop walking for extended periods of time once we get the use of cars and buses.

Walking will help you lose weight. Walking can be a great way to increase your fitness, keep you in good health and help you with weight loss and weight control. Here are some of the benefits of walking for weight loss, and a plan to help you start walking to lose weight today:

No other weight-loss exercise is simpler than walking. It’s something most of us already does everyday. The solution to walking off the pounds is to walk for longer periods. You could walk to and from work or you can take a walk during your lunch break.

Walking burns more Calories and increases metabolism

Walking burns almost as many calories as jogging. It is much easier on your joints and you get to enjoy nature. Walking at moderate paste can help you burn around 250 calories per hour. Brisk-walking (walking at a fast paste) can help you brun around 320 calories.

Walking burns calories while you are walking. It also increases your metabolism. Your body burn more calories in the next hours after your walk. Walking daily would mean a higher metabolism.

Weight gain can be caused by a slow metabolism. Metabolism plays a big role in our weight. Metabolism is the chemical process, used by your body to turn food into energy. You can speed up your metabolism by walking or exercising.

Just taking a daily walk could increase your metabolism. It does this in two ways: it heats up your body and in turn burns more calories during and after the walk, and it helps increase your lean muscle mass. A leaner muscle mass burns more calories.

Your body learns quickly to do things efficiently. If you walk everyday then your body will learn to do it very well and burn more calories.

Walking reduces appetite

Walking and other exercises have a suppressing effect on your appetite. Normally, after a good walk you won’t want to eat a big meal. If you find your appetite increases, your body might be trying to tell that you are thirsty. So go ahead and drink some water.

Exercise helps level out your blood sugar levels. When these levels drop too low, you tend to over-eat. Exercise supresses appetite hormones, making it easier to resist snacking. Next time you feel the need to eat an unhealthy snack, try to take a walk around the block. When you are finished, have a glass of water. After that walk you probably won’t need to ead
Some of us eat emotionally. Exercise is great for working out stress. You may just need a distraction from a stressful situation. Instead of using food, use some quick exercise. Go for a short walk.

The first thing you have to do is to set your goal. Decide to walk as often as you can. Even if it’s a 5 minutes walk to the local grocery store or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Make it your goal to walk anytime you get a chance.
Most fitness experts recommend beginning a walking program slowly. The first week start by only walking thirty minutes a day, five days a week, at a comfortable speed. Then on your second week try to include a minute of fast walking each day while still walking thrity minutes a day, 5 days a week. Then on week three try to include two minutes of fast walking or jogging. Continue week by week to build ability to walk more quickly to increase calorie burning. As your abilities increase then you can also increase time of your walks. The ideal goal would be to walk one hour of walking every day, five days a week.

So stop putting off your weight loss and start walking today.

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